Monday, July 28, 2014

The End of a Chapter

Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV) Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Hello to all my blog buddies!!
I realize a blog post is way overdue but I wanted to give a life update as a chapter of my life closes with the ending of my internship with RUF. But before I update, I want to just say a few words about the internship

The RUF Internship changed my life. Radically.It took me out (WAY OUT) of my comfort zone almost immediately. It started with support raising then a big move out into the wild west. I started “friend speed dating,” as I like to call it, with freshmen girls who were pretty unsure why I wanted to drink coffee with them so badly. 
It took me almost a year to transition from Mississippian to Texan, Rebel to Aggie, student to intern, scared to trusting. I had as many breakthroughs as I had breakdowns and they were all met with grace at the hands of my Campus Minister, Ben Hailey, and his wife, Beth. They interjected the Gospel whether I was laughing or crying and showed me what real freedom in Christ looks like. God used them mightily to shape me and heal me. 

 My students…

I can't even.  
But truly, they have my heart. I came in with a strong Mississippi accent, big hair and lipstick and they embraced me (eventually). They introduced me to Aggieland the Beautiful, Whataburger Honeybutter Chicken Biscuits at 1am, obscure YouTube videos and the inevitable conference chant/clap combo. They took me country dancing and endured my eye rolls (I hate country music). They are truly the most fun and gracious people I have ever had the pleasure of calling friends. My heart hurts when I remember I’m not going back but I know these little rascals will be a part of my story and my life forever. 

The internship stretched me and stretched me and broke me and picked me back up. Jesus is all about our sanctification so he must be all about the RUF Internship. I am in no way shape or form done with my sanctification but I do know that Jesus sits on the throne in my heart and he is making me newer as each day passes. Thank you RUF. Thank you Ben, Beth, Hannah and Nathan. Thank you Jeremy and Lauren. Thank you to the Aggie RUF clan. Thank you Westminster Pres. And you, my supporters—thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You have given me a gift I can never repay. 
Now for the update!
At the end of May I left the great state of Texas and moved into the Belhaven neighborhood in Jackson, Mississippi, with some of my very best friends from college. This provision of community and housing location was nothing short of a miracle. The Lord also provided a full time job for this summer working for a decorative paint and faux finishing business. Having a history in art makes this job super fun. 

In August I will be headed to RTS (Reformed Theological Seminary) to start the Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling Masters program! And speaking of the Lord’s blessings, RTS has awarded me with a full tuition paid scholarship through the RUF Intern partnership. I wish words could describe how excited I am and how blessed I feel to be on my way to joining such an incredible community. 

In preparation for the fall, I have been praying and seeking counsel to come up with a way to make ends meet while in seminary. I will be working part time as much as possible with my current job; however, I am a full-time student which means I will be going to class and doing homework for about 45 hours out of the week. I have considered loans, multiple jobs, etc. and I have seen the Lord close those doors. At this point in time I feel the Lord leading me to raise support for my additional financial needs. I have had such an overwhelming outpouring of support from friends, family and even strangers towards my internship with RUF and I know the Lord can provide and will provide again. 

I will be mailing out this letters in about a week and I ask that you consider staying on my team! Please contact me if you have any questions or want to know more!

Now I ask, to Him who is able, that you would know how He has poured out blessings through you in the lives of many. 

Grace and Peace,


Monday, February 17, 2014

How Steve Jobs (and my messed up heart) Helps Me Avoid My Neighbor

Hello Friends!

I realize it has been quite some time since I wrote on the blog! But no news means you’ve been busy, right? In my case, I have been extremely busy and it has been such a wonderful second year.

What is leading me to write now is a series of thoughts on relationships I have had while working in college ministry for the past year and seven months. Although I am not the first to process these thoughts they are still worth sharing. I am also speaking to myself in all of these things. As much as I have observed what I am sharing in the environment around me, I see it in my own life as well. And for the record, I am not knocking social media in it’s entirety or technology, but I think we can all admit there is a connectivity epidemic among us.

One of the many reasons I love working for RUF is that RUF believes that God works through ordinary means. Ordinary, small, mundane. I would say that 50% of my job is doing everyday things with college students. There’s not much glamour present, but there’s a lot of life. To put it in perspective, let me expand.

We (I am including myself and my generation as well as the college age generation) are the generations of the “upgrade.” We do not commit to anyone or anything unless we believe it to be, in that moment, at it’s peak and in that peak it must be worthy of associating with. We have relationships that are pending, constantly in the “ability of being replaced” zone. We know this because it is hard for us to eat lunch with our friend when we could eat lunch with our iPhone while our friend across the table eats lunch with their iPhone. Both being delusional about their ability to connect with the world, or each other for that matter, considering connectivity feels more real when you get “notifications” instead of hugs.

Connecting is hard for us.

Committing to people is hard for us.

Heck, even committing to moments is hard.

I watch movies while I scroll through Instagram while I text my friend who is not in the room while I sit next to my friend who is in the room who is doing the exact same thing. It is hard to say in that moment that we have anything close to a shared experience.

I realize that we are conditioning ourselves to function mentally at a much faster pace than real life. Our ability to multitask while doing mindless tasks is amazing. Because, of this, simply walking down a street or standing in a line seems far too slow paced for my now conditioned hamster wheel of a mind so I literally don’t know what to do with my hands apart from my phone. We live vicariously through technology, broadcasting the groomed profile of “who we think we should be” and the version of ourselves “who appears to have it together.” Now standing in that very line, the one that was unbearable before, can become a picture on Facebook with a flattering filter with a quote that can be affirmed for the next couple of hours as others scroll through their social media feeds as they stand in similar lines and walk down streets. We live through technology. And when technology finally betrays us, which it will, and leaves us feeling emptier than before, which it will, there are a couple of responses that seem to be more prevalent in my generation. One response is to become cynical and to use social media as an ironic device to mock people who believe it to have any ability to connect authentically. Another response is to write off social media completely and to return to the in-person interactions where you feel more lost than before. In both of these scenarios, we are lost when it comes to connecting with people.

We are unhappy where we are because we think our life is going to receive an upgrade. “Why invest in this person/these people/this experience when I could meet/have new/better one(s)?” We are afraid to put down roots because roots mean you’re staying. And staying, to us: the real movers and shakers of our time, sounds like death. And it is. Let me explain.

Jesus ensures us when we pick up our cross and follow him into the mundane business of loving people, it will feel like death.

It will feel slow; so slow that you have no idea if there has been any movement at all.

People are unpredictable and are not available on demand. You can’t scroll through people’s past, burdens, pain or trust. You have to actually be in that moment. Stay in that moment. Commit to the person your attention and your time.

As Christians, it is imperative that we know the difference between living in the moment and living for the moment. The world tells us to live for the now. There is actually a current campaign running by Pepsi that literally contains those words as its slogan: live for the now. We know this is foolish. I honestly believe that even those who are not Christians could attest that “today” is not a good enough reason to get out of bed, if it is an end in and of itself.

But the key in all of this, I think, is being in the moment.

As our social media and technology take us out of the moment, they provide escape mechanisms. While this can be useful for avoiding pain (even though that will come back to bite in the end) it is also avoiding the real life that is happening a few feet around the screen that we are so devoted to and the life we have groomed into existence. So the problem isn’t really social media or technology. It is our hearts. Our hearts are so afraid of pain or loss or vulnerability that we have no idea how to even comprehend eating a sandwich across the table from our roommate without “escaping” regularly throughout the conversation to ensure the talk maintains surface depth.

Jesus ate a lot of meals. In fact, I would say almost 50% of his time on earth was spent eating across from really messed up people. But I think he was on to something. Because when we sit down to share a meal with someone, or a drink or ice cream or whatever, we are committing to them. We are committing to them for the remainder of the time that it takes to consume whatever it is we have ordered. We are telling them that we chose to spend time looking them in the eye, sharing a moment that is so mundane; it literally happens every day three times a day. Or maybe it’s going to the grocery store or doing laundry or waiting for a class in a common area--But in those moments, those small ordinary moments, if we can stay with people, stay with someone long enough to build trust and long enough to really hear…we might connect and we might see that this is what it looks like to love your neighbor.

Thank you for supporting me as I share really mundane moments with college kids. It’s where Jesus meets us.

Mark 12:28-31
28 And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Support Update! (and brief summer review)

Hello Everyone!

So today is the last day of July 2013? How does this always happen? This (as I say every year) has been one of the fastest summers of my life. But at the same time, I have had so many wonderful things come to pass in these two months. I was able to spend a month at home, catching up with friends/family/supporters, which was super revitalizing and encouraging. Never underestimate the healing power of being around people who love you. I was also able to spend time in College Station--filled with days on campus promoting RUF, days making support calls and sending emails, nights hanging out with students, a day on the Guadalupe river (so awesome), a couple days in Dallas celebrating America, Summer RUF gatherings with worship and time in the Word, days hanging out with students at the pool, one night of learning how to crotchet (thanks Megan!), and many more days and nights filled with sweet time around students and friends.

I just returned from RUF Staff training in Atlanta, one of the highlights of my job, and this time was no exception. Spending time around people who love Jesus, love the Gospel, love RUF and love students...that is just good for my soul. We had so many good seminars and training sessions, so much that I need to go back through all the material to process it and soak it up. I am so thankful for the other interns, the staff, the campus ministers ad just the overall organization. RUF has such a special place in my heart.

As far as a budget update goes...

Through your generous giving, I have raised around:
To be able to stay through May 2014, I still need:
 This means I am at: 
To move back to College Station, I need (in one time gifts**),

**pledges are still needed to get me through the rest of the year...But I do need money in the bank to carry me for at least 5 months. 

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!!
Thank you for praying for me and for your sacrificial giving. I absolutely could not be a part of this ministry without your help! I am so eager to get back to A&M and meet new freshmen, plan fun "welcome back" events, see current RUF students and worship with my church family at Westminster!

Praise be to the God who is constant, perfect, sovereign and abounding in love.
James 1:17
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."

Grace and Peace,

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Howdy to ya!

As a follow-up post to my most recent support update, I decided to spotlight a unique part of the support raising process: monthly donors. I plan on speaking to one-time givers in my next post but I thought it would be kind of cool to let y'all know why I find monthly donors to be such an encouragement. 

So often we look at our gifts, talents, possessions and skills and feel inadequate. Or if we feel confident, we only feel this way while our resources last--stuck always at the mercy of the potential absence of the thing that gives us our sense of ability and competency. 

Of course for His children, the Lord is redeeming both of these approaches. Both of which are completely man centered and not resting in the One who is able and willing and gives meaning to our being. 

As I aim for competency in my job as an intern, I fall short. Every time. But the Lord takes my weakness and displays His complete and perfect power. Not only that, but He works in the small. He works in the places where I wouldn't choose to brag. The places I'd describe as irrelevant and insignificant. 

It always blows my mind when people offer to help me in this ministry financially. And for some of you with words like, "it isn't much," you pass on a gift that you have received from the Lord and handed it to me. For my monthly donors, I watch you repeatedly hand me this gift, month after month, acknowledging that the Lord has blessed you so that you can bless others. I cannot tell you how many times I look at my donor report and see "So And So...$10" and think to myself, "They're with me, even still." I am so encouraged by your continued giving, month by month. You remind me that the body of Christ is a harmony of moving parts, all working together day by day to accomplish His will. 

And the truth of the matter is, you are all with me. In your prayers, in your gifts, even in your interest, you are with me. And better than that, He is with us, giving all of these things significance. 

As of right now I have $685 a month coming in. My goal is to have $2000 in monthly donations to cover my monthly costs (salary, benefits and administration). 

Would you consider becoming a member of my monthly donor team? All you have to do to set up a recurring gift is visit --enter your monthly amount and click the box that says "This is a recurring gift." You can also choose when you would like it to come out of your debit/credit account (1st of the month or 15th). 

Thank you to all who are a part of this great opportunity to share the love of Christ to college students!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Support Update!

Hello all!

It is hard to believe it is already July! I have been in Texas for the past three weeks and I have never been more sure that it is summertime. Mississippi is hot, but Texas of course, is in a league of its own. I have one more week in College Station until I return to Mississippi for a week to work on support. Then I will travel to the ATL for training! SO excited. I will say that I am sad to leave Texas but I am even more excited to return in the fall. Whenever I am here and I get to spend time with students or even go on campus, it is so hard for me to believe that all this is really happening. I love my job. Let me say it again, I love my job. The Lord has been so gracious and merciful to put me in a place as welcoming as A&M and in a ministry that I truly, down to my core, believe in. I believe in this ministry because the hand of God is so tangible in it. As the Word is proclaimed and hearts are softened, there is only one answer for it all: God is at work.

As I continue to raise support, I ask that you consider supporting me financially in this next year. By the grace of God, I have raised about 43% of next years budget.

When you donate, you are investing in much more than my personal ministry. You are giving to a means by which the Lord is drawing His children to Himself. You are giving to a means by which the Lord is equipping His saints to go out into the world and preach the Gospel. You are giving to a means by which the Lord chooses the helpless, the hopeless and the wayward to carry His name and to carry out His plan of redemption. You are giving to a ministry that has impacted me personally in ways that I couldn't even begin to put into words. You are giving to a ministry that seeks to give students a safe place, for the convinced and the unconvinced, to ask questions...even the really hard ones.

I know He is at work because I have watched it day by day, the impossible happens.

If you feel compelled to give please visit and choose my name from the drop down menu. If you would rather mail a check, you can click on the support tab and find more information on how to do that.

Above all, I ask for you to pray. Where the Lord is at work, Satan is too. I feel the fiery darts; the whispers of fear and temptation. Please pray that I wold rest in Jesus...truly rest. Please pray against the Evil One. Pray for students to find peace at the foot of the cross.

Grace and Peace,

"He cannot He will not say 'Go'
But surely will take out thy stain."- Poor Sinner Dejected With Fear

Monday, June 3, 2013

Support Raising Round Deux

Hello Friends!

So here we are, in the second half of the internship and I can hardly believe that the first half is over. Summer Conference was AMAZING. Sadly, I did not get around to filming it as I had hoped but hey--that's a project for next year's SuCo! This SuCo was a lot different for me seeing as I was "working." But that did not stop the fun or the excitement of being with my students and soaking in great teaching.

I am back in Mississippi for two more weeks working on support--then I'll go to Texas for about a month to work with Summer Aggie RUF, orientation for upcoming freshmen at A&M, as well as more long distance support raising. I will also be working on writing my Bible study for the fall which I am super excited about. Then I will return to MS for a week, then go to Atlanta for training (WHOOP), then return to MS for a few days then head out west for the final exodus.

Are you dizzy yet? What a schedule. But I could not be more excited to see how it all unfolds and comes together trough God's provision and guidance.

Speaking of God's faithfulness, I would like to thank all of you for being a part of my team last year. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to know I have people praying for this ministry. I am also constantly amazed that by your giving, I can minister to these students and have a presence in their lives. The Lord constantly went before me and behind me in this ministry. Left to my own efforts and my own strength--nothing would have been accomplished. All the glory and all the praise is to Him alone.

I would ask for you to prayerfully consider helping financially again this year. I am looking for more monthly donors to help cover my monthly costs of about $2,000 a month. I will still need one time gifts (absolutely) so if that fits you better please consider that as well. The great thing about monthly gifts is: it all adds up! You may think, "Hey, I can only give $15 right now..." but in 10 months, that's $150!! And that is huge!

Here's what I'm looking at to meet my monthly costs:
(the first number represents the amount of people and the other number being the amount given each month)

10x10 in one month 100
10x15 150
10x25 250
15x30 450
20x50 1000
                        =$2,000 a month

So if 10 people gave 10 a month I would have 100 each month and 1,000 in 10 months!

"Every Drop Counts" is a saying that floats around my friend group and it is no exception here. Please consider being a part of my team in this upcoming year. I cannot do it without you!

If you need info on how to give--go to the "Support RUF" tab.You can also visit to set something up online! If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 

You are impacting students for Christ through your prayers and your gifts. I am so thankful to partner with you!

Grace and Peace,

This has been on my heart and mind as I begin this round of support raising. I felt the need to share it with you!

Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
Pilgrim through this barren land.
I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
Bread of heaven,
Feed me now and evermore;
Bread of heaven,
Feed me now and evermore.

Open now the crystal fountain,
Whence the healing waters flow;
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer,
Be Thou still my Strength and Shield.
Strong Deliverer,
Be Thou still my Strength and Shield.

 When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid my anxious fears subside;
Death of death, and hell's destruction,
Land me safe on Canaan's side.
Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee;
Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee.

Land me safe on Canaan's side
Bid my anxious fears, bid my anxious fears
Land me safe on Canaan's side
Bid my anxious fears, bid my anxious fears, goodbye

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

After the long pause...

SO I realize it has been a while since I last updated this dear ole blog. But this does not mean that we haven't been having a great semester! Just this past weekend, we had our annual Aggie RUF crawfish boil. We had about 30-40 students come out to eat, visit and maybe dance a little bit (my favorite). I also had my last "Girl Talk" Bible study last week where we took a look at some material on love and lust from Tim Keller. The previous week we watched a documentary about sexuality and relationships which was extremely thought provoking and incredibly relevant to the college years. I have learned so much from this study and I hope the girls felt a sense of security and love as we tried to approach "taboo" topics as well as areas where discussion seems to be absent.

We are also gearing up for Summer Conference in Panama City, Florida, which is always a time of fun and growth as we explore the truth claims of Christianity in seminars, worship and small groups. We are taking a group of about 45 students this year and we are so excited. It looks like, for our week, there will be close to 1,000 students from all over the country. How encouraging! There are three weeks of SuCo (as we affectionately call it) so about 2,500+ students will be able to experience this great ministry. Please be in prayer for our trip and this conference!

I hope to post throughout the week with a few videos so that should be fun :)

Here is our tank for SuCo. We're kind of proud of these (They're even university approved!) :

Also, just in case you didn't see these on Facebook, here are a few highlights from this semester:

Thanks and Gig 'Em!